5 Astonishing Benefits of Creating Art

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Art is one of the most beautiful parts of life. We’re surrounded by art everywhere we go, from the way buildings around us have been designed, to the art that is hanging on the walls in our home. 

I create art for a number of different reasons. I love the freedom it gives me to be creative and come up with any kind of design or image that doesn’t yet exist. Images are very powerful, and each one can be used to tell a story. There are an infinite number of messages that can be communicated through artwork, and it’s a good way to establish a certain vibe or atmosphere, or to express emotions.

There are many reasons why I recommend everyone to try creating art at least once in their life, as adults. 

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1. It's Fun

One reason I enjoy drawing is because it’s a very relaxing activity. It’s easy for me to get into a good flow state and just work for hours on a painting or drawing. Making art also has a lot of health benefits like reduced anxiety, which is why art is considered a good form of therapy. 

Studies show that drawing is amazing for improving “cognitive and sensorimotor functions, fostering self-esteem and self-awareness, cultivating emotional resilience, promoting insight, enhancing social skills, and reducing and resolving conflicts and distress”. 

Who would’ve thought something as simple as drawing or creating a painting could come with so many unexpected benefits? 

Personally, this is why I believe it’s so important to take the time to really think about the kinds of activities you fill your day with, as there could be all sorts of benefits or detrimental effects influencing your health in ways you may not even be aware of.

2. Use it to Express Emotions

Often times, I make drawings based on my current experiences: the season of the year, emotions I’m currently experiencing, as well as a vision that I want to see come to life. A lot of my illustrations depict visuals of an ideal life, dream home or environment, or ideal circumstance.

I prefer to make artwork that is aesthetic and visually appealing, though I do like to also represent realistic elements of life as well, things which may not necessarily be as ideal or perfect.

I find that art is one of the best ways to convey emotions regarding just about any sort of experience in life. You have the power to make your paintings bright and vivid, dull, muted, sad, depressing, mystical, nostalgic, or soft and peaceful. 

The sky is the limit when it comes to creating art, and how you choose to express your emotions through each piece is unique to everyone and completely up to you.

Read also: How to Find Your Passion in Life

3. Create Something New

Sometimes the simple act of creating something new, whether it’s aesthetic or not, feels powerful. Having that power makes me feel happy and allows me to exercise my inner desire to create.

I feel this joy no matter the medium or type of craft I’m creating. Bringing a vision to life feels so rewarding, and reminds me that we as humans are so much more powerful than we often may think. 

We all have the power to create whatever kind of future or life we desire, or to bring anything to life, whether that’s new technology, crafts, clothing, accessories, foods, buildings, etc. 

4. Make Art to Tell a Story

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“A picture is worth a thousand words”. One of the best ways to communicate a story is through illustrations or pictures. I can highlight certain characters or parts of a drawing in my paintings by creating a focal point, and use color and texture to guide the viewer’s eyes through the image whichever way I like to create emphasis on specific areas. 

Many people feel a certain connection with various works because they can connect with or relate to the story depicted in the work. This is also a big reason why fanart is so popular. Fans are often willing to go out of their way to acquire art relating to a story they can enjoy and connect with. 

Illustrations can be a very powerful way to tell a story. Each image can convey so much emotion, depict any sort of atmosphere, any number of characters, any sort of scene. It’s often hard to describe certain events or details about a story through words, which is when art can come in and do a better job at showing those details.

5. Use it as a Way to Experiment

One of the biggest reasons I love making art is because of how freeing it feels. Experimenting with colors, art styles, mediums, tools, and other variables is very fun and allows me to explore new parts of myself and discover something new about what I can do and where I can take my artistic pursuits. I often don’t realize how much fun I’ll have doing something until I try it. 

For anyone who hasn’t tried painting or drawing before, I highly encourage giving it a go. There are many amazing benefits. Even if you’re not the greatest artist in the world, you can still find relaxation and enjoyment in the process. 

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